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uvex is committed to supplying the highest quality safety gloves for use in a broad range of applications. This page outlines the legal requirements that apply to protective work gloves in Australia.

How does Australia regulate personal protective equipment?

Australia does not have overarching laws that regulate PPE, however there are specific laws that regulate PPE intended for use in certain contexts.

Standards Australia have also adopted various international standards relating to PPE. These standards are not mandatory unless they are referred to in legislation as a requirement under that legislation.

What is the Australian standard for protective gloves?

The relevant standard for protective work gloves is AS/NZS 2161. The general requirements for protective gloves in the Australian standard reflect international standards adopted by Standards Australia.

While Australian law does not require that protective gloves comply with AS/NZS 2161, the standard provides an important benchmark for protective gloves sold in Australia.

What are the labelling requirements under the Australian standard?

Part 2 of the Australian standard adopts the requirements for product markings applicable to all protective gloves set out in the international standard, ISO 21420:2020. Protective gloves should be labelled with the relevant symbol that reflects the international standards that the gloves comply with. Manufacturers are not required to label gloves with marks licensed by independent certifying organisations to demonstrate that the gloves comply with the Australian standard.

Part 3 of the standard describes the markings to be applied to gloves that protect against mechanical risks and is identical to the European standard, EN 388:2016 A1:2018. Under Part 3 protective gloves should also be labelled with information that indicates the
mechanical properties of the gloves.

What is required under work, health, and safety laws?

In some states employers are required to supply employees with gloves that meet the Australian standard. Various work, health and safety codes of practice also refer to the Australian standard when describing gloves that may enable employers to meet their
obligations to provide safe PPE under Australian law.

Do uvex gloves meet the Australian standard?

uvex gloves sold in Australia comply with standards equivalent to the Australian standard. Our gloves have been tested rigorously by certified laboratories and are compliant with applicable International and European standards, including ISO 21420:2020 and EN388:2016 A1:2018.


uvexwpClick here to download Legal Requirements for Protective Gloves in Australia from uvex.


All information contained on this page is current as of 23 September 2021